Hangfire.Core 1.8.0-beta4

An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Hangfire.Core.

Packages Downloads
PostgreSql storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET and aspnet core applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Hangfire MySql Storage
In-memory job storage for Hangfire with transactional implementation.
PostgreSql storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
PostgreSql storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET and aspnet core applications).
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
In-memory job storage for Hangfire with transactional implementation.

https://www.hangfire.io/blog/ 1.8.0-beta4 • Added – Dark mode support for Dashboard UI configurable with the `UseDarkModeSupportForDashboard` method. • Added – Allow to add custom JavaScript and CSS files to the Dashboard UI via the `DashboardRoutes` class. • Added – Ability to use custom formattable resource identifiers for the `DisableConcurrentExecutionAttribute`. • Changed – Increase the default value for the `BackgroundJobServerOptions.StopTimeout` to 500 ms. 1.8.0-beta3 • Added – Introduce the `Job.Queue` property, so jobs now can have their own queue specified. • Added – Method overloads to create recurring jobs directly with a custom default queue. • Added – Method overloads to create background jobs directly with a custom default queue. • Added – `IBackgroundJobClient.Create` method overloads with the new `queue` parameter. • Added – Experimental `JobStorageConnection.SetContains` method. • Added – Pass `ServerId` to `FailedState` instances to simplify the debugging on different servers. • Changed – Dashboard UI now have full-width layout to display more data (by @danillewin). • Changed – Query time from storage in recurring and delayed schedulers when supported by storage. • Changed – Speedup delayed jobs when custom default queue is specified by avoiding extra state transition. • Changed – Display scheduled job count when enqueued count is zero on the main metric. • Changed – Don't display queue name in state transition list when it's the `default` one. • Changed – Re-implement `TaskExtensions.WaitOneAsync` only with the `RegisterWaitForSingleObject` method. • Changed – Expose state data dictionaries in list DTOs when supported by storage. • Changed – Make it possible to display methods of non-loaded jobs in Dashboard UI when supported by storage. • Fixed – Check job details for the `null` value before passing it to renderers (regression). • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` overloads with optional params defined in the `RecurringJobManagerExtensions` class. • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` overloads with optional parameters defined in the `RecurringJob` class. • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` method overloads with no `recurringJobId` parameter. • Deprecated – `RecurringJobOptions.QueueName` property, new methods should be used instead. 1.8.0-beta2 • Added – `MisfireHandlingMode.Strict` to create job for each missed recurring job occurrence. • Added – Allow to pass parameters when creating a job (by @brian-knoll-micronetonline). • Added – Make it possible to use specify multiple `JobContinuationOptions` for a continuation. • Added – `CreateJob` method to the `JobStorageTransaction` abstract class. • Added – `SetJobParameter` method to the `JobStorageTransaction` abstract class. • Changed – Allow to query job parameters without roundtrip when supported by a storage. • Changed – Turn `JobContinuationOptions` enum into flags while still possible. • Changed – Avoid storage roundtrip to query job data in worker, take data from previous state change. • Fixed – Don't overwrite existing argument values with null job parameters when using `FromParameter` attribute. • Fixed – Job continuation mistakenly started when using the new `OnlyOnDeletedState` option. 1.8.0-beta1 • Added – Display deleted jobs in the Realtime and History graphs when supported by storage. • Added – `DeletedState` now have the persisted `Exception` property. • Added – `JobContinuationOptions.OnlyOnDeletedState` to create continuations after a failure. • Added – `Exception` job parameter is passed to continuation when `UseResultsInContinuations` method is used. • Added – `FromExceptionAttribute` to deal with an antecedent exception in a background job continuation. • Added – Allow to filter exception types in `AutomaticRetryAttribute` by using the new `OnlyOn` property. • Added – `IBackgroundProcess.UseBackgroundPool` now allows to pass thread configuration logic. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseJobDetailsRenderer` method for custom renderers. • Added – `BackgroundJobServerOptions.WorkerThreadConfigurationAction` option • Added – Allow to pass custom data to `ApplyStateContext` and `ElectStateContext` instances. • Added – Preserve custom data dictionary between the entire filter chain. • Added – Fetch "Retries" metric with other statistics when supported by storage • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseDashboardMetrics` extension method to pass multiple metrics at once. • Added – State renderer for the `DeletedState` to display its new exception property. • Added – Virtual `JobStorage.GetReadOnlyConnection` method intended to return `JobStorageConnection` for replicas. • Added – Virtual `JobStorage.HasFeature` method for querying optional features. • Added – Optional `GetSetCount` and `GetUtcDateTime` methods for the `JobStorageConnection` class. • Added – Optional `AcquireDistributedLock` and `RemoveFromQueue` methods for the `JobStorageTransaction` class. • Added – Support for transactional acknowledge using new storage method for better handling some data loss scenarios. • Added – `Factory`, `StateMachine` and `Performer` properties to context classes to avoid injecting services. • Added – Allow to pass transaction to background job state changer when new methods implemented. • Added – Optional `ParametersSnapshot` property for `BackgroundJob` and `JobData` classes to minimize roundtrips in future. • Changed – Use the `AttemptsExceededAction.Delete` option by default in the global automatic retry filter. • Changed – Move job to the `DeletedState` instead of `SucceededState` when its invocation was canceled by a filter. • Changed – `FromParameterAttribute`-based logic now always overwrites arguments, even with non-null values. • Changed – Improved display of real-time chart with more accents on failed and deleted jobs. • Changed – Ignore some members when serializing a `JobFilterAttribute` instance to decrease size • Changed – `ServerHeartbeatProcess` now uses `ThreadPriority.AboveNormal` to prioritize heartbeats.

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Framework 4.6

.NET Standard 1.3

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.8.14 0 6/11/2024
1.8.12 0 4/3/2024
1.8.11 0 2/23/2024
1.8.10 0 2/12/2024
1.8.9 0 1/24/2024
1.8.7 0 12/29/2023
1.8.6 2 10/18/2023
1.8.5 0 8/11/2023
1.8.4 0 7/27/2023
1.8.3 1 11/16/2023
1.8.2 1 10/17/2023
1.8.1 1 11/16/2023
1.8.0 1 5/12/2023
1.8.0-beta4 1 11/16/2023
1.8.0-beta3 1 11/16/2023
1.7.37 0 4/8/2024
1.7.36 1 11/17/2023
1.7.35 2 8/26/2023
1.7.34 0 3/30/2023
1.7.33 1 11/17/2023
1.7.32 1 11/25/2023
1.7.31 0 8/19/2022
1.7.30 0 6/10/2022
1.7.29 2 12/25/2022
1.7.28 1 11/17/2023
1.7.27 3 12/25/2022
1.7.26 0 10/27/2021
1.7.25 1 11/24/2023
1.7.24 0 6/28/2021
1.7.23 1 11/16/2023
1.7.22 0 4/13/2021
1.7.21 1 11/16/2023
1.7.20 2 11/16/2023
1.7.19 1 11/18/2023
1.7.18 0 11/20/2020
1.7.17 1 11/16/2023
1.7.16 0 10/14/2020
1.7.15 1 11/16/2023
1.7.14 1 11/16/2023
1.7.13 0 9/15/2020
1.7.12 1 11/16/2023
1.7.11 0 4/15/2020
1.7.10 1 11/20/2023
1.7.9 0 1/20/2020
1.7.8 0 12/5/2019
1.7.7 0 10/22/2019
1.7.6 1 11/17/2023
1.7.5 1 11/16/2023
1.7.4 1 11/16/2023
1.7.3 0 5/23/2019
1.7.2 0 4/29/2019
1.7.1 0 4/16/2019
1.7.0 4 12/25/2022
1.6.30 0 4/29/2021
1.6.29 1 11/16/2023
1.6.28 1 11/25/2023
1.6.27 1 11/18/2023
1.6.26 1 11/16/2023
1.6.25 1 11/22/2023
1.6.24 0 3/27/2019
1.6.23 1 11/18/2023
1.6.22 1 11/16/2023
1.6.21 1 3/27/2023
1.6.20 0 7/31/2018
1.6.19 1 11/16/2023
1.6.18 1 11/18/2023
1.6.17 1 11/20/2023
1.6.16 1 11/16/2023
1.6.15 1 11/16/2023
1.6.14 1 11/21/2023
1.6.13 1 11/16/2023
1.6.12 1 11/18/2023
1.6.11 0 3/14/2017
1.6.10 0 3/13/2017
1.6.9 0 3/2/2017
1.6.8 0 12/21/2016
1.6.7 2 11/16/2023
1.6.6 1 11/16/2023
1.6.5 1 11/16/2023
1.6.4 1 11/18/2023
1.6.3 0 8/19/2016
1.6.2 1 11/18/2023
1.6.1 1 11/24/2023
1.6.0 0 7/15/2016
1.5.9 1 11/17/2023
1.5.8 0 6/17/2016
1.5.7 1 11/16/2023
1.5.6 1 11/17/2023
1.5.5 0 4/14/2016
1.5.4 0 3/22/2016
1.5.3 1 11/16/2023
1.5.2 1 11/19/2023
1.5.1 1 2/20/2024
1.5.0 1 11/24/2023
1.4.7 0 10/1/2015
1.4.6 1 11/18/2023
1.4.5 1 11/16/2023
1.4.4 1 11/16/2023
1.4.3 0 5/27/2015
1.4.2 1 11/16/2023
1.4.1 0 4/14/2015
1.3.4 0 2/4/2015
1.3.3 1 11/16/2023
1.3.2 1 11/24/2023
1.3.1 1 11/16/2023
1.3.0 0 12/10/2014
1.2.2 0 11/24/2014
1.2.1 1 11/16/2023
1.2.0 0 11/17/2014
1.1.1 0 9/5/2014
1.1.0 1 11/16/2023
1.0.2 1 11/16/2023
1.0.1 1 11/23/2023
1.0.0 0 6/30/2014
0.9.1 0 6/12/2014
0.9.0 0 6/7/2014
0.8.3 1 11/16/2023
0.8.2 0 5/21/2014
0.8.1 1 11/17/2023
0.8.0 1 11/16/2023
0.7.5 0 4/10/2014
0.7.4 0 4/7/2014
0.7.3 0 4/4/2014
0.7.1 1 11/16/2023
0.7.0 0 3/22/2014
0.6.2 1 11/16/2023
0.6.1 0 1/27/2014
0.5.2 0 11/19/2013
0.5.1 0 11/12/2013
0.5.0 0 11/10/2013